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We believe every Rhode Islander has the right to a safe, healthy, affordable home.

Homes RI is a coalition of organizations working together to increase and preserve the supply of safe, healthy, affordable homes throughout Rhode Island.

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Read our Legislative Wrap-Up to learn more about the housing-based policies we support!

Read Our Housing Policy Guide

Through a collaborative process with many diverse partners, Homes RI has created a comprehensive Housing Policy Guide to serve as a resource for state and local candidates and elected officials.

The Policy Guide includes recommendations for legislation and policy reforms in three major areas:

  • Increasing the supply of safe, healthy and affordable homes,
  • Stabilizing residents and preventing displacement, and
  • Promoting safe, healthy and accessible homes.

Our annual legislative agenda reflects these priorities, and we look forward to working in partnership with our community – YOU – to implement them.


Increase Engagement

Increase community engagement and motivate the public and policymakers.

Increase Investments

Increase investments to construct and preserve long-term affordable homes.

Reduce Barriers

Reduce regulatory and economic barriers to residential development.

Promote Healthy Homes

Promote and implement policies that expand access to healthy homes.

We must help Rhode Island become a better place to live.

Shortage of rental homes affordable and available for extremely low income renters.
Percent of extremely low income renter households with severe cost burden.
0 %
Annual household income needed to afford a two-bedroom rental home at HUD's Fair Market Rent.
$ 10000
Renter households in R.I. that are extremely low income (31 percent).

Together, we can work to ensure all Rhode Islanders live in safe, healthy, affordable homes.