Legislative & Policy Work
2024 Year-In-Review
Click the link below for our 2024 Year-In-Review; a summary of Homes RI and the Housing Network of Rhode Island’s activities and accomplishments over the past year (Updated December 2024)
Legislative Wrap-Up
Click the link below for our full 2024 Legislative Wrap Up; Homes RI’s annual review of the housing legislation and budget items we championed this year (Updated August 2024)
Legislative Wrap-Up Archive:
Our annual legislative agenda is developed by the Policy & Advocacy Working Group and approved by the Homes RI Steering Committee. It aligns with our Policy Priorities and Framework.
For more information about our Legislative Agenda, contact Katie West at kwest@housingnetworkri.org.
Read our Housing Policy Guide to stay informed on thoughtful, strategic practices to improve Rhode Island’s state of housing.
2024 Legislative Priorities
Learn more about our current policy priorities below:
(Updated May 2024)

Say Yes to Invest
As a multi-sector coalition of organizations focused on increasing the supply of safe, healthy, and affordable homes across Rhode Island, Homes RI is pleased to see Governor Dan McKee’s proposal for a $100 million housing bond included in his FY25 budget recommendations.
If approved, this would be the largest housing bond in Rhode Island history, increasing affordable and middle-income housing production and infrastructure, supporting community revitalization, and promoting homeownership. This investment is essential to maintain progress on building and preserving more affordable homes for Rhode Islanders – and advancing towards a future that we all want and deserve.
If we want to truly address our housing needs as a state, we must not only make historic investments, we must make transformational ones. We are requesting that the R.I. General Assembly increase the governor’s proposed bond amount by $50 million to reflect increased need, rising construction and financing costs; and help sustain momentum gained by recent investments in housing.

Homes RI sent a letter to Governor Dan McKee before the budget was released affirming our priorities for Fiscal Year 2025, which reflect our commitment to expanding housing opportunities for all Rhode Islanders. We requested that the following transformational investments be included in Gov. McKee‘s FY25 budget proposal:
- A General Obligation Bond of at least $250 million to fund capital costs of construction and preservation of long-term affordable homes for low-income and moderate Rhode Islanders;
- At least $12 million to establish an Emergency Rental Assistance program for Rhode Islanders with short-term financial crises;
- At least $1.6 million to continue legal assistance to tenants to aid in the prevention of homelessness as currently proposed by the Department of Housing;
- At least $21 million for down-payment assistance to support first-time and first-generation buyers in achieving their aspirations to own a home;
- At least $10 million for home repair programming to ensure the long-term viability of our existing housing stock, as proposed by the Department of Housing; and,
- Fully funding the implementation of a statewide mandatory rental registry as required by RI General Law § 34-18-58.