Homes RI Summit 2019
Since its inception, it had been a long held goal of Homes RI to host an Initiative-wide convening that would bring partners, funders, and community stakeholders together to celebrate our early accomplishments, create a space for shared learning, and plan for the year ahead. In December, 2019 we hosted a summit in which over 200 of our partners and supporters attended working group sessions, heard from speakers, and networked to influence a deeper understanding of Rhode Island’s housing landscape and how we might collaborate to inform its improvement.
Summit Agenda 12.11.19
Morning Work Sessions
- How Housing Works: Housing Programs in Rhode Island
- How Housing Works as Healthcare
- The Struggle for African American Civil Rights in 20th Century Rhode Island
- Education Advocates are Housing Advocates
Afternoon Work Sessions
- Housing Strategy Working Session for City of Providence
- Getting Involved! Civic Engagement, Boards, and Commissions
- Can We Meet? Mastering Successful Meetings
- Public Narrative for Social Change
Opportunity Starts at Home One-Pager
Presenter Bios